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This document describes the VSA X REST API v3 usage.

The REST API accepts JSON as input. The output matches the Accept header and defaults to JSON if the Accept header is not present.

We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which can be understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients.


BASIC Authentication

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest `
  -Headers $headers

Make sure to replace TOKEN_ID and TOKEN_SECRET with your own credentials.

VSA X REST API uses Basic Authentication for all requests. All requests must be via HTTPS otherwise the request will fail.

Basic Authentication requires an Authorization header with the VSA X Token ID and Token Secret in the TOKEN_ID:TOKEN_SECRET format encoded as Base64.


Publish Device

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/devices' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method POST `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"InstanceId":"production_website_1","Name":"Production Web Site","GroupId":123,"Description":"Running on","Contents":[{"Name":"Status","Contents":[{"CallbackUrl":"\u0026action=reset_config","Type":"webhook_command","Title":"Reload Configuration","Subtitle":"Reads configuration from file"},{"Icon":"information","Type":"label","Title":"5 hours, 39 minutes","Subtitle":"Uptime"}]}],"NextRefreshIntervalMinutes":5,"NotifyWhenOffline":"false"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Identifier": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Publish registers or updates a VSA X Device instance.

HTTP Request




Response Data

Name Value Required Description
InstanceId string yes Unique instance identifier. (maximum 100 characters)
Name string no Name of the instance. (maximum 100 characters)
GroupId int yes Group ID of the instance.
Description string no Instance description. Shows under the instance name. (maximum 255 characters)
Contents array of Group no Data used to create the details view.
NextRefreshIntervalMinutes int no Marks the instance as offline if the Publish method is not called again after the specified interval. Zero disables the offline counter.
NotifyWhenOffline string no If the next refresh interval was specified, a notification will be sent if the instance goes offline for an extended period of time.


Name Value Required Description
Name string yes Name of the group.
Contents array of Label or WebHookCommand no An array of items of Label or Web Hook Commands that are part of the group.


Name Value Required Description
Type string yes Type of the object. Must be set to label.
Title string yes Title of the label. Appears on the first line of the label.
Subtitle string no Subtitle of the label. Appears on the second line of the label.
Icon string no Appears to the left of the text. Possible values: information, warning and error.


Name Value Required Description
Type string yes Type of the object. Must be set to webhook_command.
CallbackUrl string yes Url that gets invoked when the command triggers.
Title string yes Title of the command. Appears on the first line of the button.
Subtitle string no Subtitle of the command. Appears on the second line of the button.

Move a Device

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/devices/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555/move' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method PUT `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"GroupId":125}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "DeviceIdentifier": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
    "GroupId": 125,
    "GroupName": "MyGroup1"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Moves a Device to a different Group.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
deviceId string yes Device Identifier.

Request Body Parameters

Property Type Required Description
GroupId integer yes Target Group ID.

Response Data

Property Type Description
DeviceIdentifier string Device Identifier.
GroupId integer Target Group ID.
GroupName string Target Group Name.

Get All Devices

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/devices?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Identifier": "11111111-2222-3333-9B2F-016B8D621AB5",
      "Name": "Computer1",
      "GroupId": 123,
      "GroupName": "Group1",
      "IsAgentInstalled": false,
      "IsMdmEnrolled": false,
      "SiteId": 123,
      "SiteName": "Site1",
      "OrganizationId": 123,
      "OrganizationName": "Organization1",
      "HasCustomFields": false
      "Identifier": "66666666-7777-8888-9B2F-016B8D621AB5",
      "Name": "Computer2",
      "GroupId": 123,
      "GroupName": "Group1",
      "IsAgentInstalled": false,
      "IsMdmEnrolled": false,
      "SiteId": 123,
      "SiteName": "Site1",
      "OrganizationId": 123,
      "OrganizationName": "Organization1",
      "HasCustomFields": false
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "TotalCount": 2

Returns a list of devices.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
scopeId integer no Returns devices only from the specified Scope. scopeId=123
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100. $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: Identifier, Name, GroupId, GroupName, IsAgentInstalled, IsMdmEnrolled, SiteId, SiteName, OrganizationId, OrganizationName. $filter=contains(tolower(GroupName), 'mygroup')
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: Identifier, Name, GroupId, GroupName, IsAgentInstalled, IsMdmEnrolled, SiteId, SiteName, OrganizationId, OrganizationName. $orderby=GroupId desc

Get a Specific Device

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/devices/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Description": "Windows 10 Enterprise",
    "Uptime": "Offline since 63 days ago",
    "IsOnline": false,
    "ComputerType": "windows",
    "InMaintenance": false,
    "ExternalIpAddress": "",
    "CriticalNotifications": 0,
    "ElevatedNotifications": 0,
    "NormalNotifications": 0,
    "LowNotifications": 0,
    "LocalIpAddresses": [{
      "Name": "NetworkAdapterName",
      "PhysicalAddress": "0A0027000010",
      "DhcpEnabled": false,
      "Gateways": [],
      "DnsServers": [
      "SubnetMask": "",
      "IpV4": "",
      "IpV6": "fe80::b785:162b:b297:74d0%16"
    "ClientVersion": "4.8.5",
    "Identifier": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
    "Name": "MyPC",
    "GroupName": "Home",
    "GroupId": 123,
    "IsAgentInstalled": false,
    "IsMdmEnrolled": false,
    "SiteId": 123,
    "SiteName": "Site1",
    "OrganizationId": 123,
    "OrganizationName": "Organization1",
    "HasCustomFields": false
  "Meta": {

Returns the device details.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the device identifier.

Get Device Notifications

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/devices/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555/notifications?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Id": 2733,
      "Message": "The free space on disk drive C: on the computer 'KA-B5796J3' in group 'MyOrg - MyGroup - MySite' is below 9% (29.94 GB free of 476.31 GB).",
      "DateTime": "2023-07-12T16:15:02Z",
      "Priority": "elevated"
      "Id": 2732,
      "Message": "Production Web Site Instance in group Web Sites cannot connect to the database.",
      "DateTime": "2023-07-12T16:15:42Z",
      "Priority": "critical"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "TotalCount": 2

Return the device notifications.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the device identifier.

Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: Id, Message, DateTime, Priority. $filter=contains(tolower(Message), 'free space')
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: Id, Message, DateTime, Priority. $orderby=Priority

Get Antivirus Status

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/devices/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555/antivirus' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "ProtectionStatus": "active",
    "DefinitionsStatus": "up_to_date",
    "ScanStatus": "scanning",
    "UpdateStatus": "updating",
    "AgentStatus": [
    "Policy": "Production Servers"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the antivirus status of a device.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
deviceId string yes The ID of the device.

Get Device Custom Fields

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/devices/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555/customFields' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Id": 123,
      "Name": "Custom Field Name",
      "Value": "Custom Field Value1",
      "Type": "Text"
      "Id": 345,
      "Name": "Custom Field Name2",
      "Value": "2",
      "Type": "Number"
  "Meta": {
    "TotalCount": 2,
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the device custom fields.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the device identifier.

Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: Id, Name, Value, Type. $filter=contains(tolower(Name), 'Custom')
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: Id, Name, Value, Type. $orderby=Type

Get Device Applied Policies

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/devices/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555/appliedpolicies' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "PolicyType": "Antivirus",
      "PolicyId": null,
      "PolicyName": "No Antivirus"
      "PolicyType": "Ransomware Detection",
      "PolicyId": null,
      "PolicyName": "No Policy (Explicitly configured)"
      "PolicyType": "Patch Management",
      "PolicyId": 292,
      "PolicyName": "My Patch Management Policy"
      "PolicyType": "Device Configuration",
      "PolicyId": 214,
      "PolicyName": "My DC Policy",
      "Profiles": [
          "Id": 1906,
          "Name": "My DC Profile",
          "Category": "General",
          "Settings": {
            "AllowLogin": false,
            "AllowLogoff": false,
            "AllowRestart": true,
            "AllowShutDown": true,
            "AllowPowerOff": false,
            "AllowSuspend": false,
            "AllowHibernate": false,
            "AllowLock": false,
            "ForceLogoff": true,
            "ForceRestart": true,
            "ForceShutDown": true,
            "ForcePowerOff": true,
            "ForceSuspend": true,
            "ForceHibernate": true
      "PolicyType": "Monitoring",
      "PolicyId": 221,
      "PolicyName": "My Free Space Policy",
      "Profiles": [
          "Id": 1938,
          "Name": "Free Space Profile",
          "Category": "Storage",
          "Settings": {
            "SendNotificationOnLowStorageSpaceSystem": false,
            "LowStorageSpaceSystem": 10.0,
            "LowStorageSpaceSystemPercentage": true,
            "PrioritySendNotificationOnLowStorageSpaceSystem": "Normal",
            "SendNotificationOnLowStorageSpaceOther": true,
            "LowStorageSpaceOther": 95.0,
            "LowStorageSpaceOtherPercentage": true,
            "PrioritySendNotificationOnLowStorageSpaceOther": "Normal",
            "Disks": [],
            "DisableLocalStorageNotifications": false
  "Meta": {
    "TotalCount": 5,
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns a list of policies and profiles applied to a device.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the device identifier.

Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=PolicyType eq 'Device Configuration'
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=PolicyType

Applied Policy Response Properties

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
PolicyType string yes yes The type of policy. Possible values are Device Configuration, Monitoring, Antivirus, Ransomware Detection, Patch Management.
PolicyId integer yes yes The policy's ID. Can be null for the explicitly configured No Policy rule.
PolicyName string yes yes The name of the policy. For the expliclty configured No Policy rule, the name is No Policy (Explicitly configured).
Profiles array of Profile no no The list of profiles applied to the device. Only supported by Device Configuration and Monitoring policies.

For Antivirus and Ransomware Detection policies, use the https://<server_name>/api/v3/endpointprotection/policies/:policyId endpoint to get policy details.

For Patch Management policies, use the https://<server_name>/api/v3/patchmanagement/policies/:policyId endpoint to get policy settings.


Property Type Description
Id integer The profile's ID.
Name string The name of the profile.
Category string The profile's category. Possible values are General, Remote Desktop, File Browser, etc.
Settings object The profile's settings. The properties set depends on the ProfileCategory and the operating system of the device.

Device Assets

Get Assets

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/assets?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Identifier": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
      "Name": "Computer1",
      "GroupName": "Group1",
      "Description": "Windows 10 Enterprise",
      "Tags": ["development"],
      "Type": "windows",
      "ClientVersion": "5.1.2",
      "LastSeenOnline": "2017-08-11T15:10:06Z",
      "ExternalUrl": "https://<server_name>/app/main/systems/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555/details",
      "CpuUsage": 19,
      "MemoryUsage": 55,
      "MemoryTotal": 8589398016,
      "FirewallEnabled": true,
      "AntivirusEnabled": "enabled",
      "AntivirusUpToDate": "yes",
      "UacEnabled": true,
      "EventLogs": {
        "Error": 2159,
        "Warning": 928,
        "Information": 55353
      "Updates": {
        "Critical": 0,
        "Important": 1,
        "Unspecified": 0
      "AvailableUpdates": [
          "UpdateId": "576b0dd6-57cc-457b-a5ec-e888491b395d",
          "RevisionNumber": 200,
          "Title": "Windows 10 Version 22H2 Security Update for x64-based systems (KB5034441), January 2024",
          "Description": "A security issue has been identified in a Microsoft software product that could affect your system...",
          "KbArticle": "5034441",
          "Severity": "Important",
          "CvssScore": 7.0,
          "CveCodes": [],
          "Category": "SECURITY_UPDATE_IMPORTANT",
          "ReleaseDate": "2024-01-09"
      "AssetInfo": [
          "CategoryName": "System",
          "CategoryData": {
            "Name": "Computer1",
            "Manufacturer": "VMware, Inc.",
            "Model": "VMware Virtual Platform",
            "Type": "x64-based PC",
            "CPU": "12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1270P",
            "Number of Cores": "12",
            "Current Clock Speed": "2200",
            "Max Clock Speed": "2200",
            "Number of Processors": "1",
            "Number of Logical Processors": "2",
            "DNS Host Name": "Computer1",
            "Domain": "WORKGROUP",
            "Owner Name": "John",
            "Roles": "LM_Workstation, LM_Server, SQLServer, NT, Potential_Browser, Master_Browser",
            "Status": "OK"
          "CategoryName": "BIOS",
          "CategoryData": {
            "Serial Number": "VMware-55 44 55 22 44 11 44 dd-22 f4 a4 10 bb ee 77 cc",
            "Name": "PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0",
            "Manufacturer": "Phoenix Technologies LTD",
            "SMBIOS Version": "6.00",
            "SMBIOS Major Version": "2",
            "SMBIOS Minor Version": "7",
            "Version": "INTEL  - 6040000",
            "Release Date": "Thursday, July 2, 2015 1:00 AM",
            "Status": "OK",
            "Description": "PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0"
          "CategoryName": "Operating System",
          "CategoryData": {
            "Name": "Windows 10 Enterprise",
            "Version": "10.0.15063.0",
            "Build Type": "Multiprocessor Free",
            "Registered User": "John",
            "Product Key": "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX",
            "Serial Number": "11111-22222-233333-44444",
            "Service Pack Major Version": "0",
            "Service Pack Minor Version": "0",
            "System Device": "\\Device\\HarddiskVolume2",
            "System Directory": "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32",
            "Windows Directory": "C:\\WINDOWS",
            "Install Date": "Tuesday, May 16, 2017 5:15 PM",
            "Local Date and Time": "Friday, August 11, 2017 1:54 PM",
            "Last Boot Up Time": "Thursday, August 3, 2017 10:26 AM",
            "Last Logged On User": "ORG\\username",
            "Local Time Offset": "02:00:00"
      "PublicIpAddress": "",
      "ComputerId": 54759,
      "OrganizationId": 6978,
      "SiteId": 6990,
      "IpAddresses": [
          "Name": "Ethernet0",
          "MAC": "001122334455",
          "IPs": [
              "IP": "",
              "V6": false,
              "Download": 5097,
              "Upload": 2067
      "Disks": [
          "Name": "C:",
          "System": true,
          "FreePercentage": 73,
          "TotalValue": 277358588
      "InstalledSoftware": [
          "Name": "Google Chrome",
          "Publisher": "Google Inc.",
          "Version": "60.0.3112.90"
          "Name": "Google Update Helper",
          "Publisher": "Google Inc.",
          "Version": ""
      "LocalIpAddresses": [{
        "Name": "NetworkAdapterName",
        "PhysicalAddress": "0A0027000010",
        "DhcpEnabled": false,
        "Gateways": [],
        "DnsServers": [
        "SubnetMask": "",
        "IpV4": "",
        "IpV6": "fe80::b785:162b:b297:74d0%16"
      "Security": [
          "Type": "Antivirus",
          "Name": "Custom Antivirus",
          "Enabled": true,
          "UpToDate": true
          "Type": "Antivirus",
          "Name": "Windows Defender",
          "Enabled": true,
          "UpToDate": true
          "Type": "Firewall",
          "Name": "Windows Firewall - Domain Profile",
          "Enabled": true
          "Type": "Firewall",
          "Name": "Windows Firewall - Private Profile",
          "Enabled": true
          "Type": "Firewall",
          "Name": "Windows Firewall - Public Profile",
          "Enabled": true
          "Type": "RansomwareDetection",
          "Name": "Ransomware Detection",
          "Enabled": false
          "Type": "UserAccountControl",
          "Name": "User Account Control",
          "Enabled": false
  "Meta": {
    "TotalCount": 1,
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns a list of assets.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: Identifier, Name, GroupName, Description, ... $filter=GroupName eq 'My Org - My Site - My Group'
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: Identifier, Name, GroupName, Description, ... $orderby=Name
include string no List of sections to include include=AvailableUpdates,Security,AssetInfo,LocalIpAddresses

When the include parameter is not specified, the sections included by default are: Tags, Updates, AssetInfo, IpAddresses, LocalIpAddresses, Disks, InstalledSoftware

Basic information such as Identifier, Name, GroupName, etc., is always included.

Use include=Tags,Updates,AvailableUpdates,Security,AssetInfo,IpAddresses,LocalIpAddresses,Disks,InstalledSoftware to include all available sections.

Use include=None to not include any section.

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Section Description
Identifier string Yes Yes Always included Device identifier.
Name string Yes Yes Always included Device name.
GroupName string Yes Yes Always included Group name in the format of Org - Site - Group.
Description string Yes Yes Always included Device description.
Type string Yes Yes Always included Device type.
Tags array of string No No Tags Device tags.
ClientVersion string Yes Yes Always included Client version.
LastSeenOnline string No No Always included Last seen online date and time.
ExternalUrl string No No Always included External URL.
CpuUsage int No No Always included CPU usage percentage.
MemoryUsage int No No Always included Memory usage percentage.
MemoryTotal int No No Always included Total memory.
FirewallEnabled boolean No No Always included Aggregated Firewall enabled status. Use Security section for detailed information.
AntivirusEnabled string No No Always included Aggregated Antivirus enabled status. Use Security section for detailed information.
AntivirusUpToDate string No No Always included Aggregated Antivirus up-to-date status. Use Security section for detailed information.
UacEnabled boolean No No Always included UAC enabled status. Use Security section for detailed information.
EventLogs object No No Always included Aggregated information on event logs.
AssetInfo array of object No No AssetInfo List of general device information assets, categorized.
Updates object No No Updates Count of operating system updates by severity.
AvailableUpdates array of objects No No AvailableUpdates List of available OS updates.
Security array of object No No Security Security information including Antivirus, Firewall, UAC, Ransomware Detection.
PublicIpAddress string No No Always included Public IP address.
ComputerId int Yes Yes Always included Computer ID.
OrganizationId int Yes Yes Always included Organization ID.
SiteId int Yes Yes Always included Site ID.
IpAddresses array of object No No IpAddresses List of IP addresses with network adapter stats.
Disks array of object No No Disks Information on disks.
InstalledSoftware array of object No No InstalledSoftware List of installed software.
LocalIpAddresses array of object No No LocalIpAddresses List of local IP addresses.

Get Assets for a Specific Device

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/assets/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Identifier": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
    "Name": "Computer1",
    "GroupName": "Group1",
    "Description": "Windows 10 Enterprise",
    "Tags": [
    "Type": "windows",
    "ClientVersion": "5.1.2",
    "LastSeenOnline": "2017-08-11T15:10:06Z",
    "ExternalUrl": "https://<server_name>/app/main/systems/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555/details",
    "CpuUsage": 19,
    "MemoryUsage": 55,
    "MemoryTotal": 8589398016,
    "FirewallEnabled": true,
    "AntivirusEnabled": "enabled",
    "AntivirusUpToDate": "yes",
    "UacEnabled": true,
    "EventLogs": {
      "Error": 2159,
      "Warning": 928,
      "Information": 55353
    "Updates": {
      "Critical": 0,
      "Important": 1,
      "Unspecified": 0
    "AvailableUpdates": [
        "UpdateId": "576b0dd6-57cc-457b-a5ec-e888491b395d",
        "RevisionNumber": 200,
        "Title": "Windows 10 Version 22H2 Security Update for x64-based systems (KB5034441), January 2024",
        "Description": "A security issue has been identified in a Microsoft software product that could affect your system...",
        "KbArticle": "5034441",
        "Severity": "Important",
        "CvssScore": 7.0,
        "CveCodes": [],
        "Category": "SECURITY_UPDATE_IMPORTANT",
        "ReleaseDate": "2024-01-09"
    "InstalledUpdates": [
        "UpdateId": "990549e1-1115-4419-a51d-e10afd527660",
        "RevisionNumber": 1,
        "Title": "Intel Corporation - System - 4/8/2019 12:00:00 AM - 30.100.1915.1",
        "Description": "Intel Corporation System  driver update released in  April 2019",
        "Severity": "Unspecified",
        "ReleaseDate": "2024-01-01",
        "InstalledAt": "2024-01-07T00:00:00",
        "InstalledByAgent": true
    "AssetInfo": [
        "CategoryName": "System",
        "CategoryData": {
          "Name": "Computer1",
          "Manufacturer": "VMware, Inc.",
          "Model": "VMware Virtual Platform",
          "Type": "x64-based PC",
          "CPU": "12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1270P",
          "Number of Cores": "12",
          "Current Clock Speed": "2200",
          "Max Clock Speed": "2200",
          "Number of Processors": "1",
          "Number of Logical Processors": "2",
          "DNS Host Name": "Computer1",
          "Domain": "WORKGROUP",
          "Owner Name": "John",
          "Roles": "LM_Workstation, LM_Server, SQLServer, NT, Potential_Browser, Master_Browser",
          "Status": "OK"
        "CategoryName": "BIOS",
        "CategoryData": {
          "Serial Number": "VMware-55 44 55 22 44 11 44 dd-22 f4 a4 10 bb ee 77 cc",
          "Name": "PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0",
          "Manufacturer": "Phoenix Technologies LTD",
          "SMBIOS Version": "6.00",
          "SMBIOS Major Version": "2",
          "SMBIOS Minor Version": "7",
          "Version": "INTEL  - 6040000",
          "Release Date": "Thursday, July 2, 2015 1:00 AM",
          "Status": "OK",
          "Description": "PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0"
        "CategoryName": "Operating System",
        "CategoryData": {
          "Name": "Windows 10 Enterprise",
          "Version": "10.0.15063.0",
          "Build Type": "Multiprocessor Free",
          "Registered User": "John",
          "Product Key": "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX",
          "Serial Number": "11111-22222-233333-44444",
          "Service Pack Major Version": "0",
          "Service Pack Minor Version": "0",
          "System Device": "\\Device\\HarddiskVolume2",
          "System Directory": "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32",
          "Windows Directory": "C:\\WINDOWS",
          "Install Date": "Tuesday, May 16, 2017 5:15 PM",
          "Local Date and Time": "Friday, August 11, 2017 1:54 PM",
          "Last Boot Up Time": "Thursday, August 3, 2017 10:26 AM",
          "Last Logged On User": "ORG\\username",
          "Local Time Offset": "02:00:00"
    "PublicIpAddress": "",
    "ComputerId": 54759,
    "OrganizationId": 6978,
    "SiteId": 6990,
    "IpAddresses": [
        "Name": "Ethernet0",
        "MAC": "001122334455",
        "IPs": [
            "IP": "",
            "V6": false,
            "Download": 5097,
            "Upload": 2067
    "Disks": [
        "Name": "C:",
        "System": true,
        "FreePercentage": 73,
        "TotalValue": 277358588
    "InstalledSoftware": [
        "Name": "Google Chrome",
        "Publisher": "Google Inc.",
        "Version": "60.0.3112.90"
        "Name": "Google Update Helper",
        "Publisher": "Google Inc.",
        "Version": ""
    "LocalIpAddresses": [{
      "Name": "NetworkAdapterName",
      "PhysicalAddress": "0A0027000010",
      "DhcpEnabled": false,
      "Gateways": [],
      "DnsServers": [
      "SubnetMask": "",
      "IpV4": "",
      "IpV6": "fe80::b785:162b:b297:74d0%16"
    "Security": [
        "Type": "Antivirus",
        "Name": "Custom Antivirus",
        "Enabled": true,
        "UpToDate": true
        "Type": "Antivirus",
        "Name": "Windows Defender",
        "Enabled": true,
        "UpToDate": true
        "Type": "Firewall",
        "Name": "Windows Firewall - Domain Profile",
        "Enabled": true
        "Type": "Firewall",
        "Name": "Windows Firewall - Private Profile",
        "Enabled": true
        "Type": "Firewall",
        "Name": "Windows Firewall - Public Profile",
        "Enabled": true
        "Type": "RansomwareDetection",
        "Name": "Ransomware Detection",
        "Enabled": false
        "Type": "UserAccountControl",
        "Name": "User Account Control",
        "Enabled": false
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the assets for a specific device.

HTTP Request




URL Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The identifier of the device.

Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
include string no List of sections to include include=AvailableUpdates,InstalledUpdates,Security,AssetInfo,LocalIpAddresses

When the include parameter is not specified, the sections included by default are: Tags, Updates, AssetInfo, IpAddresses, LocalIpAddresses, Disks, InstalledSoftware

Basic information such as Identifier, Name, GroupName, etc., is always included.

Use include=Tags,Updates,AvailableUpdates,InstalledUpdates,Security,AssetInfo,IpAddresses,LocalIpAddresses,Disks,InstalledSoftware to include all available sections.

Use include=None to not include any section.

Response Data

Property Type Section Description
Identifier string Always included Device identifier.
Name string Always included Device name.
GroupName string Always included Group name in the format of Org - Site - Group.
Description string Always included Device description.
Tags array of string Tags Device tags.
Type string Always included Device type.
ClientVersion string Always included Client version.
LastSeenOnline string Always included Last seen online date and time.
ExternalUrl string Always included External URL.
CpuUsage int Always included CPU usage percentage.
MemoryUsage int Always included Memory usage percentage.
MemoryTotal int Always included Total memory.
FirewallEnabled boolean Always included Aggregated Firewall enabled status. Use Security section for detailed information.
AntivirusEnabled string Always included Aggregated Antivirus enabled status. Use Security section for detailed information.
AntivirusUpToDate string Always included Aggregated Antivirus up-to-date status. Use Security section for detailed information.
UacEnabled boolean Always included UAC enabled status. Use Security section for detailed information.
EventLogs object Always included Aggregated information on event logs.
AssetInfo array of object AssetInfo List of general device information assets, categorized.
Updates object Updates Count of operating system updates by severity.
AvailableUpdates array of objects AvailableUpdates List of available OS updates.
InstalledUpdates array of objects InstalledUpdates List of installed OS updates.
Security array of object Security Security information including Antivirus, Firewall, UAC, Ransomware Detection.
PublicIpAddress string Always included Public IP address.
ComputerId int Always included Computer ID.
OrganizationId int Always included Organization ID.
SiteId int Always included Site ID.
IpAddresses array of object IpAddresses List of IP addresses with network adapter stats.
Disks array of object Disks Information on disks.
InstalledSoftware array of object InstalledSoftware List of installed software.
LocalIpAddresses array of object LocalIpAddresses List of local IP addresses.

Automation Workflows

Run Workflow

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/workflows/123/run' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method POST `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"DeviceIdentifiers":["11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555","11111111-2222-3333-4444-666666666666"],"WebhookUrl":"https://webhook-target-site/path","ConstantVariableOverrides":[{"Name":"myVariable","Value":"value from API"}]}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "NewExecutions": [
        "ExecutionId": 14595,
        "TargetType": "Device",
        "TargetId": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
        "CreatedAt": "2024-01-23T12:55:00.0000000Z",
        "ConstantVariableOverrides": [
            "Name": "myVariable",
            "Value": "value from API"
    "ExistingExecutions": [
        "ExecutionId": 14594,
        "TargetType": "Device",
        "TargetId": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-666666666666",
        "CreatedAt": "2024-01-23T12:50:00.0000000Z",
        "ConstantVariableOverrides": [
            "Name": "anotherVariable",
            "Value": "some content"
            "Name": "myVariable",
            "Value": "oldExecutionValue"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Runs a specific automation workflow.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id integer Yes Id of the workflow to run.

Request Body Parameters

Name Value Required Description
DeviceIdentifiers array of strings No Identifiers for the devices where the automation workflow will be executed. If not specified, the workflow will be executed on the configured scope.
WebhookUrl string No Webhook target URL. It should start with "http://" or "https://" protocol. (maximum 2000 characters)
ConstantVariableOverrides array of VariableOverride No A list of variables to override in the Workflow. Only variables registered as a separate "Get Device Value" step with a Constant value can be overridden.


Name Value Required Description
Name string Yes The name of the workflow variable, which is registered in the "Get Device Value > Constant Value" step of the Workflow.
Value string Yes The value of the workflow variable, which will override the value specified in the Workflow Step.

Response Data

Property Type Description
NewExecutions array of WorkflowExecution The list of workflow executions that were created right after the run API call.
ExistingExecutions array of WorkflowExecution The list of workflow executions that have been already targeted to the specified devices. New execution of the same Workflow can not be created until existing executions are finished.


Property Type Description
ExecutionId integer ID of the Workflow Execution.
TargetType string Either Device or Server.
TargetId string The device identifier, applicable when TargetType is Device.
CreatedAt string (datetime) The date and time when the execution was created.
ConstantVariableOverrides array of VariableOverride A list of constant variable overrides applied to the workflow execution.


Name Value Description
Name string The name of the overridden workflow variable.
Value string The value of the overridden workflow variable.

Web Hook message

After the completion of a workflow execution on a device, a POST request is sent to the specified webhook URL. For example, if three devices were targeted for workflow execution, three POST requests would be sent to the webhook. This request includes the following properties in the JSON body:

Name Value Description
EventType string WorkflowExecutionFinished
WorkflowId number ID of the workflow.
ExecutionId number ID of the workflow execution.
Status string Success or Failed.
TargetType string Either Device or Server.
TargetId string The device identifier, applicable when TargetType is Device.

Get Workflow Executions

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/workflows/executions?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Id": 14603,
      "WorkflowId": 2479,
      "TargetType": "Device",
      "TargetId": "4bfa89ab-1491-46b6-8531-35a868a49638",
      "TriggerType": "Ad-hoc and Scheduled",
      "TriggerId": "2479",
      "Status": "Running",
      "CreatedAt": "2024-02-01T09:44:37.1381756Z",
      "CompletedAt": null
      "Id": 14598,
      "WorkflowId": 2482,
      "TargetType": "Server",
      "TargetId": null,
      "TriggerType": "Ad-hoc and Scheduled",
      "TriggerId": "2482",
      "Status": "Success",
      "CreatedAt": "2024-01-29T13:42:35Z",
      "CompletedAt": "2024-01-29T13:42:38Z"
      "Id": 14595,
      "WorkflowId": 2479,
      "TargetType": "Device",
      "TargetId": "4bfa89ab-1491-46b6-8531-35a868a49638",
      "TriggerType": "Ad-hoc and Scheduled",
      "TriggerId": "2479",
      "Status": "Success",
      "CreatedAt": "2024-01-23T12:58:18Z",
      "CompletedAt": "2024-01-23T12:58:39Z",
      "ConstantVariableOverrides": [
          "Name": "fileContent",
          "Value": "value passed from API"
          "Name": "filePath",
          "Value": "D:\\filename.log"
  "Meta": {
    "TotalCount": 3,
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns running workflow executions and the latest completed workflow executions.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=20
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=20
$filter string no OData filters. See below for filterable properties. $filter=ConstantVariableOverrides/any(v: v/Name eq 'filePath')
$orderby string no OData sorting. See below for sortable properties. $orderby=CreatedAt desc

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Id integer yes yes The ID of the workflow execution.
WorkflowId integer yes yes The ID of the workflow.
TargetType string yes yes Specifies the target type, either Device or Server.
TargetId string yes yes The device identifier, applicable when TargetType is Device.
TriggerType string yes yes The mechanism that triggered the workflow. Possible values: Notification, Ad-hoc and Scheduled, External Webhook.
TriggerId string yes yes For Ad-hoc and Scheduled, this is the Workflow ID. For Notification, it indicates the Notification ID that triggered the workflow execution.
Status string yes yes The current status of the execution. Possible values: Pending, Running, Success, Failed.
CreatedAt string (datetime) yes yes The date and time the execution was created.
CompletedAt string (datetime) yes yes The date and time the execution was completed.
ConstantVariableOverrides array of VariableOverride yes no Lists the constant variable overrides applied to the workflow execution. Visible only if any variable override has been applied.


Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Name string yes no The name of the overridden workflow variable.
Value string yes no The value of the overridden workflow variable.

Get Workflow Execution Details

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/workflows/executions/1234' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 1234,
    "WorkflowId": 12,
    "TargetType": "Device",
    "TargetId": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
    "TriggerType": "Ad-hoc and Scheduled",
    "TriggerId": "12",
    "Status": "Success",
    "CreatedAt": "2024-02-01T12:41:00Z",
    "CompletedAt": "2024-02-01T12:41:03Z",
    "ExecutionSteps": [
        "WorkflowStepId": 1705402618868,
        "Status": "Success",
        "CompletedAt": "2024-02-01T12:41:00.3863134Z",
        "UpdatedAt": null,
        "Outcome": true,
        "OutputItems": null
        "WorkflowStepId": 1706791071874,
        "Status": "Success",
        "CompletedAt": "2024-02-01T12:41:00.9199395Z",
        "UpdatedAt": null,
        "Outcome": false,
        "OutputItems": null
        "WorkflowStepId": 1706791169216,
        "Status": "Success",
        "CompletedAt": "2024-02-01T12:41:03.4941126Z",
        "UpdatedAt": null,
        "Outcome": true,
        "OutputItems": [
            "EmailSubject": "Workflow Execution Finished",
            "EmailBody": "The workflow execution was finished."
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the details of a workflow execution.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
executionId integer yes The ID of the workflow execution.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id integer The ID of the workflow execution.
WorkflowId integer The ID of the workflow.
TargetType string Specifies the target type, either Device or Server.
TargetId string The device identifier, applicable when TargetType is Device.
TriggerType string The mechanism that triggered the workflow. Possible values: Notification, Ad-hoc and Scheduled, External Webhook.
TriggerId string For Ad-hoc and Scheduled, this is the Workflow ID. For Notification, it indicates the Notification ID that triggered the workflow execution.
Status string The current status of the execution. Possible values: Pending, Running, Success, Failed.
CreatedAt string (datetime) The date and time the execution was created.
CompletedAt string (datetime) The date and time the execution was completed.
ConstantVariableOverrides array of VariableOverride Lists the constant variable overrides applied to the workflow execution. Visible only if any variable override has been applied.
ExecutionSteps array of ExecutionStep Details of the execution steps.


Property Type Description
Name string The name of the overridden workflow variable.
Value string The value of the overridden workflow variable.


Property Type Description
WorkflowStepId integer The ID of the workflow step.
Status string The status of the step execution. Possible values: Pending, Running, Success, Failed.
CompletedAt string (datetime) The date and time the step execution was completed.
UpdatedAt string (datetime) The date and time the step was last updated, if applicable.
Outcome boolean For conditions, this is true if the condition is met and false if not. For Script Actions, this is false if the script execution fails. It is null if the step is not completed.
OutputItems array of OutputItem Lists the output items of the step, if applicable.


Property Type Description
VariableId integer Relevant for Script output.
VariableName string Relevant for Script output.
VariableDataType string Relevant for Script output.
VariableValue string Relevant for Script output.
EmailSubject string Relevant for Email output.
EmailBody string Relevant for Email output.
PsaTicketTitle string Relevant for Create/Update PSA ticket output.
PsaTicketNote string Relevant for Create/Update PSA ticket output.
PsaTicketDescription string Relevant for Create/Update PSA ticket output.
IsPsaTicketNoteInternal boolean Relevant for Create/Update PSA ticket output.
PsaIntegrationId integer Relevant for Create/Update PSA ticket output.
PsaTicketParameters array of KeyValuePair Relevant for Create/Update PSA ticket output.


Property Type
Key string
Value string

Get All Workflows

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/workflows?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Id": 123,
      "Name": "Workflow Example",
      "Description": "This is an example",
      "IsEnabled": true,
      "TriggerType": "Ad-hoc and Scheduled",
      "TriggerSubType": "Scheduled",
      "UpdatedAt": "2024-01-29T14:35:22Z",
      "ContextType": "Organization",
      "ContextItemId": "111"
      "Id": 124,
      "Name": "Deviceless Workflow",
      "Description": null,
      "IsEnabled": false,
      "TriggerType": "Ad-hoc and Scheduled",
      "TriggerSubType": "Manual",
      "UpdatedAt": "2024-01-29T13:39:14Z",
      "ContextType": "Deviceless",
      "ContextItemId": null
  "Meta": {
    "TotalCount": 2,
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns a list of workflows.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=TriggerSubType eq 'Manual'
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=UpdatedAt desc

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Id integer yes yes The ID of the workflow.
Name string yes yes Workflow name.
Description string yes yes Workflow description.
IsEnabled boolean yes yes Indicates whether the workflow is currently active (true) or inactive (false).
TriggerType string yes yes Identifies the workflow's triggering mechanism. Possible values: Notification, Ad-hoc and Scheduled, External Webhook.
TriggerSubType string yes yes Further categorizes the trigger type. For Notification, specifies the notification type (e.g., HIGH_CPU_USAGE). For Ad-hoc and Scheduled indicates whether the trigger is Manual or Scheduled.
UpdatedAt string (datetime) yes yes Timestamp of the workflow's last modification.
ContextType string yes yes Specifies the context in which the workflow operates. Possible values: Scope, Organization, Device, Deviceless.
ContextItemId string yes yes Identifier of the item related to the workflow's context.

Get a Specific Workflow

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/workflows/123' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 123,
    "Name": "Workflow Example",
    "Description": "This is an example",
    "IsEnabled": true,
    "UpdateAt": "2024-01-29T14:35:22.913543Z",
    "ContextType": "Organization",
    "ContextItemId": "111",
    "Trigger": {
      "TriggerType": "Ad-hoc and Scheduled",
      "TriggerSubType": "Scheduled",
      "Description": "Triggered automatically on scheduled time",
      "SkipOffline": false,
      "Schedule": {
        "StartDate": "2024-02-16T23:00:00Z",
        "Timezone": "US/Eastern",
        "Frequency": 2,
        "FrequencyInterval": "Weekly",
        "FrequencySubInterval": "Monday, Thursday, Sunday"
      "Id": 1706538731365,
      "DisplayName": "Scheduled"
    "Actions": [
        "Id": 1706003840471,
        "DisplayName": "Run Script",
        "StepType": "Action",
        "ActionType": "RunScript",
        "Parameters": "{\"Id\":\"764f0e21-f2fa-4187-bafd-487618cb5ed5\",\"Name\":\"Test Script\",\"Variables\":[{\"Id\":239,\"DataType\":0,\"Value\":\"1\",\"Name\":\"Vartest\"}]}"
        "Id": 1706538812343,
        "DisplayName": "Get Device Value",
        "StepType": "Action",
        "ActionType": "GetVariable",
        "Parameters": "{\"ConstantValue\":\"NO_INPUT\",\"ConstantValueType\":2,\"VariableName\":\"input1\",\"VariableType\":12}"
        "Id": 1706538844640,
        "DisplayName": "Condition",
        "StepType": "Condition",
        "PositiveOutcome": [
            "Id": 1706538889666,
            "DisplayName": "Execute Powershell",
            "StepType": "Action",
            "ActionType": "ExecutePowershell",
            "Parameters": "{\"CommandLine\":\"#1706538812461\",\"ExecuteAsSystem\":false,\"CaptureOutput\":true,\"OutputVariable\":\"ExecutePowershellCommandResult\",\"Variables\":[{\"VariableId\":\"1706538812461\",\"PropertyId\":\"variable\",\"WorkflowStepId\":0,\"SourceId\":\"input1\",\"DisplayName\":\"input1\",\"Type\":2,\"WorkflowStepName\":\"Variable\"}]}"
        "NegativeOutcome": [
            "Id": 1706538918407,
            "DisplayName": "End Workflow",
            "StepType": "Action",
            "ActionType": "TerminateWorkflow",
            "Parameters": "{\"Status\":3}"
        "RuleAggregation": "AllAreTrue",
        "Rules": [
            "Operator": "IsNotEqualTo",
            "Value": "\"NO_INPUT\"",
            "PropertyId": "Variable",
            "VariablesId": "input1",
            "VariablesType": 0
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the workflow details.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id integer yes Workflow ID.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id integer Workflow ID.
Name string Workflow Name.
Description string Workflow Description.
IsEnabled boolean Indicates whether the workflow is currently active (true) or inactive (false).
UpdatedAt string (datetime) Timestamp of the workflow's last modification.
ContextType string Specifies the context in which the workflow operates. Possible values: Scope, Organization, Device, Deviceless.
ContextItemId string Identifier of the item related to the workflow's context.
Trigger WorkflowTrigger Parameters defining the conditions that initiate the workflow.
Actions array of WorkflowStep Sequence of steps that the workflow executes.


Property Type Description
TriggerType string Identifies the workflow's triggering mechanism. Possible values: Notification, Ad-hoc and Scheduled, External Webhook.
TriggerSubType string Further categorizes the trigger type. For Notification, specifies the notification type (e.g., HIGH_CPU_USAGE). For Ad-hoc and Scheduled indicates whether the trigger is Manual or Scheduled.
Description string Description of the workflow trigger.
SkipOffline boolean (For scheduled triggers only) Determines if the trigger should be skipped when a device is offline.
Schedule WorkflowTriggerSchedule (For scheduled triggers only) Scheduling parameters for the workflow.
Id integer ID of the workflow step.


Property Type Description
StartDate string Date and time when the schedule-based trigger becomes active.
Timezone string Timezone used for interpreting the schedule.
Frequency integer Specifies the frequency of the trigger. For example, a value of X in a Weekly interval means "every X weeks."
FrequencyInterval string Defines the type of frequency interval. Possible values: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Monthly(day of the week).
FrequencySubInterval string Additional details for the frequency interval. For a Weekly interval it includes specific day of the week: Monday, Thursday, Sunday


Property Type Description
Id integer ID of the workflow step.
DisplayName string User-friendly name of the workflow step.
StepType string Specifies the nature of the step. Possible values: Action, Condition
ActionType string (For action steps only) Describes the type of action. Examples include GetURL, WriteFile.
Parameters string(JSON) (For action steps only) JSON-encoded parameters for the action.
PositiveOutcome array of WorkflowStep (For condition steps only) Steps to execute if the condition rules are met.
NegativeOutcome array of WorkflowStep (For condition steps only) Steps to execute if the condition rules are not met.
RuleAggregation string (For condition steps only) Defines how the rules are evaluated to determine the outcome. Possible values: AllAreTrue, AnyAreTrue.
Rules array of WorkflowConditionRule (For condition steps only) Set of rules that determine the workflow's execution path.


Property Type Description
PropertyId string Identifies the type of rule. Exampleы: SystemTags, OSType, Organization, ActionType.
Operator string Specifies the operator used for evaluating the rule. Examples: Contains, DoesNoteContain, IsEqualTo.
Value string(JSON) JSON-encoded value used for rule evaluation.
... ... Additional properties may be included, varying based on the specified PropertyId.

Automation Tasks

Run Task

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/tasks/1234/run' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method POST `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"DeviceIdentifiers":["11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"],"WebhookUrl":"https://webhook-target-site/path"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "Meta": {
        "ResponseCode": 200
    "Data": {
        "Id": 10450

Runs a specific automation task.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id integer yes Id of the task to run.

Request Body

Name Value Required Description
DeviceIdentifiers array of strings No Identifiers of the devices where the automation task will be executed. If the identifiers are not specified the task will be executed on the configured scope.
WebhookUrl string No Webhook Target URL. It should start with "http://" or "https://" protocol. (maximum 2000 characters)

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id integer Task Execution ID.

Webhook Message

After the completion of a task execution on a device, a POST request is sent to the specified webhook URL. For example, if three devices were targeted for task execution, three POST requests would be sent to the webhook. This request includes the following properties in the JSON body:

Name Value Description
EventType string TaskExecutionFinished
TaskId integer ID of the Task.
DeviceIdentifier string ID of the Device where the Task was executed.
ExecutionId integer ID of the Task Execution.
State string Successful, Failed or Stopped.

Get Task Execution

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/tasks/executions/1234' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200
  "Data": {
    "Id": 1234,
    "TaskId": 12345,
    "DeviceCount": 2,
    "SuccessfulDeviceCount": 2,
    "FailedDeviceCount": 0,
    "StartTime": "2017-08-31T15:28:25Z",
    "EndTime": "2017-08-31T15:28:41Z",
    "Duration": "16 seconds",
    "State": "Successful"

Returns the status of a task execution.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
executionId string yes The ID of the task execution.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id integer The ID of the task execution.
TaskId integer The ID of the task.
DeviceCount integer The total number of devices targeted by the task execution.
SuccessfulDeviceCount integer The number of devices on which the task execution was successful.
FailedDeviceCount integer The number of devices on which the task execution failed.
StartTime string (datetime) The date and time when the execution started.
EndTime string (datetime) The date and time when the execution finished, if applicable.
Duration string A user-friendly description of the task duration.
State string The current state of the execution. Possible values include Running, Failed, Successful, and Stopped.

Get Task Execution Devices

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/tasks/executions/1234/devices?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Identifier": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
      "Name": "Device 1",
      "GroupName": "MyOrg - My Site - My Group",
      "Description": "Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard",
      "ExecutionState": "Successful"
      "Identifier": "66666666-7777-8888-9999-123456789012",
      "Name": "Device 2",
      "GroupName": "My Org - My Site - My Group",
      "Description": "Windows 10 Enterprise",
      "ExecutionState": "Successful"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "TotalCount": 2

Returns the execution status for devices on which the task has been executed.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
executionId string yes The ID of the task execution. 1234

Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
includeFailed string no Include devices where the task execution has failed. Defaults to true. false
includeSuccessful string no Include devices where the task execution was successful. Defaults to true. false
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100. $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=ExecutionState eq 'Successful' and contains(Description, 'Windows')
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=ExecutionState

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Identifier string (uid) yes yes The ID of the device.
Name string yes yes The name of the device.
GroupName string yes yes The name of the group to which the device belongs, in the format: OrganizationName - SiteName - GroupName.
Description string yes yes The description of the device.
ExecutionStatus string yes yes The current state of the execution. Possible values include Pending, Running, Failed, Successful, Unresponsive, and Stopped.

Get Task Execution Scripts

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/tasks/executions/123/devices/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/scripts' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
      "Name": "Script 1",
      "Description": "My Script 1",
      "IsSuccessful": true
      "Id": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
      "Name": "Script 2",
      "Description": null,
      "IsSuccessful": true
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns a list of scripts that were executed as part of a task on a specific device.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
executionId integer yes The ID of the task execution.
deviceId string yes The ID of the device.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id string The ID of the script.
Name string The name of the script.
Description string The description of the script.
IsSuccessful boolean Indicates whether the script execution was successful.

Get Task Execution Script Output

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/tasks/executions/123/devices/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/scripts/22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "ScriptId": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
    "ScriptName": "Script 2",
    "ExitCode": 0,
    "Output": "Script Output Lines"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the output from a script executed as part of a task on a specific device.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
executionId integer yes The ID of the task execution.
deviceId string yes The ID of the device.
scriptId string yes The ID of the script.

Response Data

Property Type Description
ScriptId string The ID of the script.
ScriptName string The name of the script.
ExitCode integer The exit code from the script execution.
Output string The output generated by the script.

Get All Tasks

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/tasks?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Id": 123,
      "Name": "Task Example",
      "Description": null,
      "IsEnabled": true,
      "ScopeId": 329,
      "ScopeName": "My Scope",
      "UpdatedAt": "2023-12-08T15:23:09",
      "IsScheduled": true,
      "TotalScripts": 2,
      "IsBuiltIn": false,
      "ContinueOnError": true,
      "ExecutionState": "Idle",
      "FolderPath": "User Defined/New Folder"
      "Id": 124,
      "Name": "Task Example 2",
      "Description": "My Task",
      "IsEnabled": true,
      "ScopeId": null,
      "ScopeName": "All Systems",
      "UpdatedAt": "2023-05-30T12:41:28",
      "IsScheduled": false,
      "TotalScripts": 1,
      "IsBuiltIn": false,
      "ContinueOnError": false,
      "ExecutionState": "Running",
      "FolderPath": "User Defined/My Folder/Sub Folder"
  "Meta": {
    "TotalCount": 2,
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns a list of automation tasks.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=contains(Description, 'My Task')
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=Name asc

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Id integer yes yes Task ID.
Name string yes yes Task Name.
Description string yes yes Task Description.
IsEnabled boolean yes yes Indicates whether the task is currently active (true) or inactive (false).
ScopeId integer yes yes Identifier of the scope within which the task operates.
ScopeName string yes yes Name of the scope within which the task operates.
UpdatedAt string (datetime) yes yes Timestamp of the task's last modification.
IsScheduled boolean yes yes Indicates whether the task schedule is configured.
TotalScripts integer yes yes Number of scripts to be executed as part of the task.
IsBuiltIn boolean yes yes Indicates if the task is a pre-defined, built-in task (true) or user-created (false).
ContinueOnError boolean yes yes Specifies if the task should continue execution despite encountering an error.
ExecutionState string yes yes Current state of the task's execution. Possible values: Idle, Running.
FolderPath string yes yes Full folder path of the task.

Get a Specific Task

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/tasks/123' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 123,
    "Name": "Task Example",
    "Description": null,
    "IsEnabled": true,
    "ScopeId": 329,
    "ScopeName": "My Scope",
    "UpdatedAt": "2024-01-29T17:08:23",
    "IsBuiltIn": false,
    "ContinueOnError": true,
    "ExecutionState": "Idle",
    "Scripts": [
        "Id": "0e35d93d-d4a7-4d37-88e9-978ccd4cb90c",
        "Name": "Script A"
        "Id": "764f0e21-f2fa-4187-bafd-487618cb5ed5",
        "Name": "Script B"
    "Schedule": {
      "StartDate": "2024-02-16T23:30:00",
      "Timezone": "US/Eastern",
      "Frequency": 2,
      "FrequencyInterval": "Weekly",
      "FrequencySubInterval": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday",
      "RunAsTeamId": 34,
      "RunAsTeam": "My Team"
    "NotifyOnSuccess": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Priority": "Normal"
    "NotifyOnFailure": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Priority": "Elevated"
    "FolderPath": "User Defined/New Folder"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the task details.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id integer yes Task ID.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id integer Task ID.
Name string Task Name.
Description string Task Description.
IsEnabled boolean Indicates whether the task is currently active (true) or inactive (false).
ScopeId integer Identifier of the scope within which the task operates.
ScopeName string Name of the scope within which the task operates.
UpdatedAt string (datetime) Timestamp of the task's last modification.
IsBuiltIn boolean Indicates if the task is a pre-defined, built-in task (true) or user-created (false).
ContinueOnError boolean Specifies if the task should continue execution despite encountering an error.
ExecutionState string Current state of the task's execution. Possible values: Idle, Running.
Scripts array of Script Collection of scripts to be executed as part of the task.
Schedule TaskSchedule Configuration details for the task's schedule (only applicable if scheduling is enabled).
NotifyOnSuccess TaskNotificationParameters Notification settings for when the task successfully completes.
NotifyOnFailure TaskNotificationParameters Notification settings for when the task fails to complete successfully.
FolderPath string Full folder path of the task.


Property Type Description
Id string (uid) ID of the script.
Name string Name of the script.


Property Type Description
Enabled boolean Determines if notification should be sent under specific conditions.
Priority string Sets the urgency level of the notification. Possible values: Critical, Elevated, Normal, Low.


Property Type Description
StartDate string (datetime) Date and time when the scheduled task will start.
Timezone string Timezone used for the scheduling.
Frequency integer Specifies how often the task is triggered. For example, a value of X in a Weekly interval means "every X weeks."
FrequencyInterval string Defines the type of frequency interval. Possible values: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Monthly(day of the week).
FrequencySubInterval string Additional details for the frequency interval. For a Weekly interval it includes specific day of the week: Monday, Thursday, Sunday.
RunAsTeamId integer ID of the team to be used for Task Run.
RunAsTeam string Name of the team to be used for Task Run.

Automation Scripts

Run Script

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/scripts/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/run' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method POST `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"DeviceIdentifier":"11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555","WebhookUrl":"https://webhook-target-site/path","Variables":[{"Id":1,"Value":"test"}]}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "Meta": {
        "ResponseCode": 200
    "Data": {
        "ExecutionId": "64adc13b-bc8f-4ab3-a292-4154d0f1ab12"

Runs a specific automation script.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string (uid) yes Id of the script to run.

Request Body

Name Value Required Description
DeviceIdentifier string Yes Identifiers of the devices where the automation script will run. The device must be online.
WebhookUrl string No Webhook Target URL. It should start with "http://" or "https://" protocol. (maximum 2000 characters)
Variables array of ScriptVariable (see below) No List of overrides for Script Input Variables.

ScriptVariable Parameters

Name Value Required Description
Id integer Yes Id of the variable. The variable must be presented in the InputVariables list of the Script.
Value string Yes Value of the variable to override.

Response Data

Property Type Description
ExecutionId string (uid) Script Execution ID.

Web Hook message

After the completion of a script execution on the device, a POST request is sent to the specified webhook URL. This request includes the following properties in the JSON body:

Name Value Description
EventType string ScriptExecutionFinished
ScriptId string (uid) ID of the Script.
DeviceIdentifier string (uid) ID of the Device where the Script was executed.
ExecutionId string (uid) ID of the Script Execution.
State string Successful, Failed or Stopped.

Get Script Executions

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/scripts/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/device/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555/executions?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
      "StartTime": "2024-02-01T13:22:39.249457Z",
      "DurationInSeconds": null,
      "State": "Running"
      "Id": "21111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111112",
      "StartTime": "2024-01-31T16:43:27.2602073Z",
      "DurationInSeconds": 131.508,
      "State": "Successful"
      "Id": "31111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111113",
      "StartTime": "2024-01-31T16:38:19.1085428Z",
      "DurationInSeconds": 139.441,
      "State": "Successful"
  "Meta": {
    "TotalCount": 3,
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns script executions for the specified device. Note that executions may not be available if the device is offline.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
scriptId string (uid) yes The ID of the script.
deviceId string (uid) yes The identifier of the device.

Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=20
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=20
$filter string no OData filters. See below for filterable properties. $filter=State eq 'Successful'
$orderby string no OData sorting. See below for sortable properties. $orderby=StartTime desc

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Id string (uid) yes yes The ID of the script execution.
StartTime string (datetime) yes yes The date and time when the execution started.
DurationInSeconds float yes yes The duration of the script execution in seconds, applicable when the execution is completed.
State string yes yes The current state of the execution. Possible values include Running, Failed, Successful, and Stopped.

Get Script Execution Details

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/scripts/123/device/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555/executions/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
    "StartTime": "2024-02-01T13:22:39.249457Z",
    "DurationInSeconds": 125.807,
    "State": "Successful",
    "EndTime": "2024-02-01T13:24:45.0564551Z",
    "Output": "Script\nOutput\n",
    "ExitCode": 0,
    "VariableOutputs": [
        "Id": 251,
        "Name": "MyVariable1",
        "Value": "15",
        "DataType": "Number"
        "Id": 252,
        "Name": "MyVariable2",
        "Value": "Result = Good",
        "DataType": "String"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the details of a script execution. Note that execution details may not be available if the device is offline.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
scriptId string (uid) yes The ID of the script.
deviceId string (uid) yes The ID of the device.
executionId string (uid) yes The ID of the script execution.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id string (uid) The ID of the script execution.
StartTime string (datetime) The date and time when the execution started.
DurationInSeconds float The duration of the script execution in seconds, applicable when the execution is completed.
State string The current state of the execution. Possible values include Running, Failed, Successful, and Stopped.
Endtime string (datetime) The date and time when the execution finished, if applicable.
Output string The output generated by the script.
ExitCode string The exit code from the script execution.
VariableOutputs array of VariableOutput A list of output variables resulting from the script execution.


Property Type Description
Id number The ID of the script variable.
Name string The name of the script variable.
Value string The value of the variable, converted to a string.
DataType string The type of the variable. Possible values: Date, Number, Text, Boolean.

Get All Scripts

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/scripts?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
      "Name": "Linux Only Script",
      "Description": null,
      "CategoryId": 123,
      "CategoryName": "My Scripts",
      "Platforms": ["Linux"],
      "CreatedBy": "Author Name",
      "IsBuiltIn": false,
      "FolderPath": "User Defined/New Folder"
      "Id": "11111111-1111-2222-2222-111111111111",
      "Name": "Multiplatform Script",
      "Description": "Supports Windows, Mac OS, Linux",
      "CategoryId": 123,
      "CategoryName": "My Scripts",
      "Platforms": ["Windows", "Mac OS", "Linux"],
      "CreatedBy": "Author Name",
      "IsBuiltIn": false,
      "FolderPath": "User Defined/My Folder/Sub Folder"
  "Meta": {
    "TotalCount": 2,
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns a list of automation scripts.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=Platforms/any(p: p eq 'Linux') and IsBuiltIn
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=Name asc

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Id string yes yes Script ID.
Name string yes yes Name of the Script.
Description string yes yes Description of the script.
CategoryId integer yes yes The ID of the category folder.
CategoryName string yes yes The Name of the category folder.
Platforms array of string yes no A list of platforms supported by the Script. Possible values: Windows, Mac OS, Linux.
CreatedBy string yes yes Name of the script creator. 'Server' if it's built-in.
IsBuiltIn boolean yes yes Indicates whether the script is built-in.
FolderPath string yes yes Full folder path of the script.

Get a Specific Script

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/scripts/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
    "Name": "Test Script",
    "Description": "Test Script Description",
    "CategoryId": 111,
    "CategoryName": "MyCategory",
    "CreatedBy": "Author Name",
    "IsBuiltIn": false,
    "FolderPath": "User Defined/New Folder",
    "InputVariables": [
        "Id": 239,
        "Name": "input1",
        "CustomFieldId": 123,
        "CustomFieldName": "GlobalCustomField",
        "VariableType": "Text",
        "DefaultValue": "1"
    "OutputVariables": [
        "Id": 251,
        "Name": "output1",
        "CustomFieldId": null,
        "CustomFieldName": null,
        "VariableType": "Number",
        "DefaultValue": "10"
    "ScriptItems": [
        "Platform": "Windows",
        "ScriptingLanguage": "PowerShell",
        "ScriptText": "Write-Host \"Hello\"\nStart-Process -FilePath \"$env:RMM_HOME\\CLI.exe\" -ArgumentList (\"setVariable output1 \"\"15\"\"\") -Wait"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the automation script details.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string (uid) yes The value of the Script ID.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id string Script ID.
Name string Name of the script.
Description string Description of the script.
CategoryId integer The ID of the category folder.
CategoryName string The name of the category folder.
CreatedBy string The name of the script creator. Server if it's built-in.
IsBuiltIn boolean Indicates whether the script is built-in.
FolderPath string Full folder path of the script.
InputVariables array of ScriptVariable A list of input variables accepted by the script.
OutputVariables array of ScriptVariable A list of variables output by the script.
ScriptItems array of ScriptItem A list of script code items targeting different platforms.


Property Type Description
Id number The ID of the script variable.
Name string The name of the script variable.
CustomFieldId number The ID of the Custom Field related to the variable. null if no Custom Field is assigned.
CustomFieldName string The name of the Custom Field related to the variable. null if no Custom Field is assigned.
VariableType string The type of the variable. Possible values: Date, Number, Text, Boolean.
DefaultValue string The default value of the variable, converted to a string.


Property Type Description
Platform string Possible values: Windows, Linux, Mac OS.
ScriptingLanguage string Possible values: Batch, PowerShell, Bash, VBScript.
ScriptText string The programming code of the script.



$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/notifications' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method POST `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"InstanceId":"production_website_1","Title":"Runtime error","Message":"Cannot connect to the database.","Priority":"critical"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "NotificationId": 67
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Creates a device notification.

HTTP Request




Request Body Parameters

Name Value Required Description
InstanceId string yes Identifier of the instance that triggered the notification. (maximum 100 characters)
Title string yes Notification title that is displayed in the PUSH notification.
Message string no Notification message appears in the Notification Detail view. Defaults to the title field. (maximum 5000 characters)
Priority string no Possible values: Low, Normal, Elevated, Critical. Defaults to Normal.

Response Data

Property Type Description
NotificationId int Notification ID.

Get All Notifications

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/notifications?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Id": 2750,
      "Message": "Production Web Site Instance in group Web Sites cannot connect to the database",
      "DateTime": 1463473104,
      "Priority": "critical" 
      "Id": 2749,
      "Message": "Cannot connect to the database.",      
      "DateTime": 1463473083,
      "Priority": "critical" 
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "TotalCount": 2

Returns the device notifications.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: Id, Message, DateTime, Priority. $filter=contains(tolower(Message), 'free space')
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: Id, Message, DateTime, Priority. $orderby=Priority

Get a Specific Notification

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/notifications/123' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "ComputerIdentifier": "2e2e8f85-267b-49d5-b6bc-0e6f483185e2",
    "Read": true,
    "Id": 123,
    "Message": "The free space on disk drive C: on the computer 'MyComputer' in group 'MyOrg - MySite - MyGroup' is below 9% (29.94 GB free of 476.31 GB).",
    "DateTime": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
    "Priority": "elevated"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the notification details.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the notification identifier

Delete a Specific Notification

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/notifications/2643' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method DELETE 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Deletes a specific notification.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the notification identifier

Notification Webhooks

Create a Notification Webhook

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/notifications/webhooks' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method POST `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"Name":"MyNotificationWebhook1","Description":"Some Description","Priorities":["Low","Normal","Elevated","Critical"],"OrganizationIds":[123,124],"Headers":{"CustomHeader":"CustomValue"},"Url":"https://some-webhook-url/test1","Language":"en"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "SecretKey": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "Id": 101,
    "Name": "MyNotificationWebhook1",
    "Description": "Some Description",
    "Priorities": ["Low", "Normal", "Elevated", "Critical"],
    "OrganizationIds": [123, 124],
    "Headers": { "CustomHeader": "CustomValue" },
    "Url": "https://some-webhook-url/test1",
    "Language": "en",    
    "CreatedAt": "2023-07-26T15:40:31"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Creates a Notification Webhook.

HTTP Request




Request Body Parameters

Name Value Required Description
Name string yes Webhook Name. (maximum 100 characters)
Description string no Webhook Description. (maximum 255 characters)
Priorities array of strings yes List of Notification Priorities that are sent through the Webhook. Available values: Low, Normal, Elevated, Critical
OrganizationIds array of integers no List of Organization IDs used to limit the scope of Notifications. The scope is not limited if Organization IDs are null.
Headers key-value list no List of additional headers sent to the Target URL. (maximum 4000 characters)
Url string yes Webhook Target URL. It should start with "http://" or "https://" protocol. (maximum 2000 characters)
Language string no Language of Notifications title and message send through webhook. Available values: en, de. Default: en

Response Data

Name Value Description
Id string Webhook ID.
Name string Webhook Name.
Description string Webhook Description.
Priorities array of strings List of Notification Priorities that are sent through the Webhook.
OrganizationIds array of integers List of Organization IDs used to limit the scope of Notifications.
Headers key-value list List of additional headers sent to the Target URL.
Url string Webhook Target URL.
Language string Language of Notifications title and message send through webhook.
CreatedAt string Creation date and time.
SecretKey string Key that is used to calculate HMAC SHA-256 signature when sending Notifications to target URL.

Webhook Message

When a notification is created and matches all criteria specified in the webhook, a POST request will be sent to the specified Webhook URL. This request contains the following properties as part of the JSON Body:

Name Value Description
Id int Notification ID.
Title string Notification Message Title.
Message string Text of the Notification Message.
DateTime string Notification creationg date and time in ISO format.
Priority string Notification message priority. Possible values: Low, Normal, Elevated, Critical.
DeviceIdentifier string ID of the device related to the Notification.
OrganizationId string Organization ID of the related device.

The request also contains an x-hmac-signature, which includes a base64 encoded SHA-256 hash based on the JSON body and Secret Key.

Update a Notification Webhook

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/notifications/webhooks/123' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method PUT `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"Name":"MyNotificationWebhook1","Description":"Some Description","Priorities":["Low","Normal","Elevated","Critical"],"OrganizationIds":[123,124],"Headers":{"CustomHeader":"CustomValue"},"Url":"https://some-webhook-url/test1","Language":"en"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 101,
    "Name": "MyNotificationWebhook1",
    "Description": "Some Description",
    "Priorities": ["Low", "Normal", "Elevated", "Critical"],
    "OrganizationIds": [123, 124],
    "Headers": { "CustomHeader": "CustomValue" },
    "Url": "https://some-webhook-url/test1",
    "Language": "en",
    "UpdatedAt": "2023-07-26T15:40:31"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Updates a Notification Webhook.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the Notification Webhook ID.

Request Body Parameters

Name Value Required Description
Name string yes Webhook Name. (maximum 100 characters)
Description string no Webhook Description. (maximum 255 characters)
Priorities array of strings yes List of Notification Priorities that are sent through the Webhook. Available values: Low, Normal, Elevated, Critical
OrganizationIds array of integers no List of Organization IDs used to limit the scope of Notifications. The scope is not limited if Organization IDs are null.
Headers key-value list no List of additional headers sent to the Target URL. (maximum 4000 characters)
Url string yes Webhook Target URL. It should start with "http://" or "https://" protocol. (maximum 2000 characters)
Language string no Language of Notifications title and message send through webhook. Available values: en, de. Default: en

Response Data

Name Value Description
Id string Webhook ID.
Name string Webhook Name.
Description string Webhook Description.
Priorities array of strings List of Notification Priorities that are sent through the Webhook.
OrganizationIds array of integers List of Organization IDs used to limit the scope of Notifications.
Headers key-value list List of additional headers sent to the Target URL.
Url string Webhook Target URL.
Language string Language of Notifications title and message send through webhook.
CreatedAt string Creation date and time.

Re-generate a Notification Webhook Secret Key

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/notifications/webhooks/123/regenerateSecretKey' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method POST 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "SecretKey": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Re-generates a Notification Webhook Secret Key. This will cause the previous Secret Key to become outdated, and it will be replaced by a new one in the calculation of the x-hmac-signature header when sending a Notification Message to the Webhook URL.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes Notification Webhook ID

Response Data Fields

Name Value Description
SecretKey string Key that is used to calculate HMAC SHA-256 signature when sending Notifications to target URL.

Get All Notification Webhooks

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/notifications/webhooks?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Id": 101,
      "Name": "MyNotificationWebhook1",
      "Description": "Some Description",
      "Priorities": ["Low", "Normal", "Elevated", "Critical"],
      "OrganizationIds": null,
      "Headers": { "MyHeader": "Value" },
      "Url": "https://some-webhook-url/test1",
      "CreatedAt": "2023-07-26T15:40:31",
      "Language": "en"
      "Id": 102,
      "Name": "MyNotificationWebhook2",
      "Description": null,
      "Priorities": ["Elevated", "Critical"],
      "OrganizationIds": [1002, 1003],
      "Headers": null,
      "Url": "https://some-webhook-url/test2",
      "CreatedAt": "2023-07-26T16:40:31",
      "Language": "de"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "TotalCount": 2

Returns a list of Notification Webhooks.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=Priorities/any(p: p eq 'Elevated')
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=Name asc

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Id integer yes yes Webhook ID.
Name string yes yes Webhook Name.
Description string yes yes Webhook Description.
Priorities array of strings yes no List of Notification Priorities that are sent through Webhook.
OrganizationIds array of integers yes no List of Organization IDs used to limit scope of Notifications.
Headers key-value list no no List of additional headers sent to the Target URL.
Url string yes yes Webhook Target URL.
CreatedAt string yes yes Creation date and time.
Language string yes yes Language of Notifications send through webhook. Available values: en, de.

Get a Specific Notification Webhook

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/notifications/webhooks/123' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 101,
    "Name": "MyNotificationWebhook1",
    "Description": "Some Description",
    "Priorities": ["Low", "Normal", "Elevated", "Critical"],
    "OrganizationIds": null,
    "Headers": { "MyHeader": "Value" },
    "Url": "https://some-webhook-url/test1",
    "CreatedAt": "2023-07-26T15:40:31",
    "Language": "en"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the notification webhook details.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the Notification Webhook ID.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id integer Webhook ID.
Name string Webhook Name.
Description string Webhook Description.
Priorities array of strings List of Notification Priorities that are sent through Webhook.
OrganizationIds array of integers List of Organization IDs used to limit scope of Notifications.
Headers key-value list List of additional headers sent to the Target URL.
Url string Webhook Target URL.
CreatedAt string Creation date and time.
Language string Language of Notifications send through webhook. Available values: en, de.

Delete a Specific Notification Webhook

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/notifications/webhooks/123' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method DELETE 

Deletes a Specific Notification Webhook.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes Notification Webhook ID


Create an Organization

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/organizations' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method POST `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"Name":"MyOrg1"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 123,
    "Name": "MyOrg1"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Creates a new Organization.

HTTP Request




Request Body Parameters

Name Value Required Description
Name string yes Organization Name. (maximum 255 characters)

Response Data

Name Value Description
Id string Organization ID.
Name string Organization Name.

Update an Organization

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/organizations/123' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method PUT `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"Name":"MyOrg1_updated"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 123,
    "Name": "MyOrg1_updated"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Updates an Organization.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id number yes Organization ID.

Request Body Parameters

Name Value Required Description
Name string yes Organization Name. (maximum 255 characters)

Response Data

Name Value Description
Id string Organization ID.
Name string Organization Name.

Get All Organizations

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/organizations?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Id": 101,
      "Name": "MyOrg1",
      "HasCustomFields": false,
      "PsaMappingId": null,
      "PsaMappingType": null
      "Id": 102,
      "Name": "MyOrg2",
      "HasCustomFields": true,
      "PsaMappingId": 123,
      "PsaMappingType": "AutoTask"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "TotalCount": 2

Returns a list of organizations.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=PsaMappingType eq 'AutoTask' and contains(Name, 'myorg')
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=Name asc

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Id integer yes yes Organization ID.
Name string yes yes Organization Name.
HasCustomFields boolean no no Shows if Organization has any Custom Fields assigned.
PsaMappingId integer yes yes ID of PSA Mapping
PsaMappingType string yes yes Type of PSA Mapping. Possible values: ConnectWise, AutoTask, null

Get a Specific Organization

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/organizations/123' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 123,
    "Name": "MyOrg2",
    "HasCustomFields": true,
    "PsaMappingId": 150,
    "PsaMappingType": "AutoTask"
  "Meta": {

Returns the organization details.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the organization ID.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id integer Organization ID.
Name string Organization Name.
HasCustomFields boolean Shows if Organization has any Custom Fields assigned.
PsaMappingId integer ID of PSA Mapping
PsaMappingType string Type of PSA Mapping. Possible values: ConnectWise, AutoTask, null

Get Organization Custom Fields

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/organizations/123/customFields?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [{
      "Id": 569,
      "Name": "CustomField_42",
      "Value": "422",
      "Type": "Text"
  }, {
      "Id": 643,
      "Name": "SomeEmptyValue",
      "Value": null,
      "Type": "Text"
  }, {
      "Id": 850,
      "Name": "Text Custom Field",
      "Value": "None",
      "Type": "Text"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "TotalCount": 3

Return the organization custom fields.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the organization ID.

Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=Type eq 'Text'
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=Name

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Id integer yes yes Custom Field ID.
Name string yes yes Custom Field Name.
Value string yes yes Custom Fields Value converted to string.
Type string yes yes Type of Custom Field. Possible values: Text, Number, Date, Boolean.


Create a Site

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/sites' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method POST `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"Name":"MySite1","ParentId":123,"ContactInformation":{"Phone":"123213123","Fax":"1231231","Email":"","ContactName":"Contact Name","CountryCode":"PL","City":"City1","Address1":"AddressLine1","Address2":"AddressLine2","Zip":"123"}}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 124,
    "Name": "MySite1",
    "ParentId" : 123,
    "ContactInformation": {
      "Phone": "123213123",
      "Fax": "1231231",
      "Email": "",
      "ContactName": "Contact Name",
      "CountryCode": "PL",
      "City": "City1",
      "Address1": "AddressLine1",
      "Address2": "AddressLine2",
      "Zip": "123"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Creates a new Site within an Organization.

HTTP Request




Request Body Parameters

Property Type Required Description
Name string yes Site Name. (maximum 255 characters)
ParentId integer yes Parent Organization ID.
ContactInformation ContactInformation no Contact information of the site.


Property Type Required Description
Phone string no Contact's phone number.
Fax string no Contact's fax number.
Email string no Contact's email.
ContactName string no Contact's name.
CountryCode string no Contact's country code.
City string no Contact's city.
Address1 string no Contact's Address Line 1.
Address2 string no Contact's Address Line 2.
Zip string no Contact's Zip code.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id string Site ID.
Name string Site Name.
ParentId int Site's parent organization id.
ContactInformation ContactInformation Contact information of the site.


Property Type Description
Phone string Contact's phone number.
Fax string Contact's fax number.
Email string Contact's email.
ContactName string Contact's name.
CountryCode string Contact's country code.
City string Contact's city.
Address1 string Contact's Address Line 1.
Address2 string Contact's Address Line 2.
Zip string Contact's Zip code.

Update a Site

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/sites/123' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method PUT `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"Name":"MySite1","ContactInformation":{"Phone":"123213123","Fax":"1231231","Email":"","ContactName":"Contact Name","CountryCode":"PL","City":"City1","Address1":"UpdatedAddressLine1","Address2":"UpdatedAddressLine2","Zip":"123"}}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 124,
    "Name": "MySite1",
    "ParentId" : 123,
    "ContactInformation": {
      "Phone": "123213123",
      "Fax": "1231231",
      "Email": "",
      "ContactName": "Contact Name",
      "CountryCode": "PL",
      "City": "City1",
      "Address1": "UpdatedAddressLine1",
      "Address2": "UpdatedAddressLine2",
      "Zip": "123"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Updates a Site.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id number yes Site ID.

Request Body Parameters

Property Type Required Description
Name string yes Site Name. (maximum 255 characters)
ContactInformation ContactInformation no Contact information of the site.


Property Type Required Description
Phone string no Contact's phone number.
Fax string no Contact's fax number.
Email string no Contact's email.
ContactName string no Contact's name.
CountryCode string no Contact's country code.
City string no Contact's city.
Address1 string no Contact's Address Line 1.
Address2 string no Contact's Address Line 2.
Zip string no Contact's Zip code.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id string Site ID.
Name string Site Name.
ParentId int Site's parent organization id.
ContactInformation ContactInformation Contact information of the site.


Property Type Description
Phone string Contact's phone number.
Fax string Contact's fax number.
Email string Contact's email.
ContactName string Contact's name.
CountryCode string Contact's country code.
City string Contact's city.
Address1 string Contact's Address Line 1.
Address2 string Contact's Address Line 2.
Zip string Contact's Zip code.

Get All Sites

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/sites?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Id": 101,
      "Name": "MySite1",
      "ContactInformation": {
        "Phone": "123213123",
        "Fax": "1231231",
        "Email": "",
        "ContactName": "Contact Name",
        "CountryCode": "PL",
        "City": "City1",
        "Address1": "AddressLine1",
        "Address2": "AddressLine2",
        "Zip": "123"
      "ParentId" : 1,
      "ParentName" : "MyOrg1",
      "HasCustomFields": false,
      "PsaMappingId": null,
      "PsaIntegrationType": null
      "Id": 102,
      "Name": "MySite2",
      "ParentId" : 1,
      "ParentName" : "MyOrg1",
      "HasCustomFields": true,
      "PsaMappingId": 123,
      "PsaIntegrationType": "AutoTask"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "TotalCount": 2

Returns a list of Sites.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=PsaIntegrationType eq 'AutoTask' and contains(Name, 'myorg')
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=Name asc

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Id integer yes yes Site ID.
Name string yes yes Site Name.
ContactInformation ContactInformation no no Information on how to contact the site.
ParentId integer yes yes Site's parent organization id.
ParentName string yes yes Site's parent organization name.
HasCustomFields boolean no no Shows if Site has any Custom Fields assigned.
PsaMappingId integer yes yes ID of PSA Mapping
PsaIntegrationType string yes yes Type of PSA Mapping. Possible values: ConnectWise, AutoTask, null


Property Type Description
Phone string Contact's phone number.
Fax string Contact's fax number.
Email string Contact's email.
ContactName string Contact's name.
CountryCode string Contact's country code.
City string Contact's city.
Address1 string Contact's Address Line 1.
Address2 string Contact's Address Line 2.
Zip string Contact's Zip code.

Get a Specific Site

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/sites/123' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 102,
    "Name": "MySite2",
    "ParentId" : 1,
    "ContactInformation": {
      "Phone": "123213123",
      "Fax": "1231231",
      "Email": "",
      "ContactName": "Contact Name",
      "CountryCode": "PL",
      "City": "City1",
      "Address1": "AddressLine1",
      "Address2": "AddressLine2",
      "Zip": "123"
    "ParentName" : "MyOrg1",
    "HasCustomFields": true,
    "PsaMappingId": 123,
    "PsaIntegrationType": "AutoTask"
  "Meta": {

Returns the Site details.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the Site ID.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id integer Site ID.
Name string Site Name.
ContactInformation ContactInformation Information on how to contact the site.
ParentId int Site's parent organization id.
ParentName string Site's parent organization name.
HasCustomFields boolean Shows if Site has any Custom Fields assigned.
PsaMappingId integer ID of PSA Mapping
PsaIntegrationType string Type of PSA Mapping. Possible values: ConnectWise, AutoTask, null


Property Type Description
Phone string Contact's phone number.
Fax string Contact's fax number.
Email string Contact's email.
ContactName string Contact's name.
CountryCode string Contact's country code.
City string Contact's city.
Address1 string Contact's Address Line 1.
Address2 string Contact's Address Line 2.
Zip string Contact's Zip code.

Get Site Custom Fields

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/sites/123/customFields?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [{
      "Id": 569,
      "Name": "CustomField_42",
      "Value": "422",
      "Type": "Text"
  }, {
      "Id": 643,
      "Name": "SomeEmptyValue",
      "Value": null,
      "Type": "Text"
  }, {
      "Id": 850,
      "Name": "Text Custom Field",
      "Value": "None",
      "Type": "Text"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "TotalCount": 3

Return the Site custom fields.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the Site ID.

Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=Type eq 'Text'
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=Name

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Id integer yes yes Custom Field ID.
Name string yes yes Custom Field Name.
Value string yes yes Custom Fields Value converted to string.
Type string yes yes Type of Custom Field. Possible values: Text, Number, Date, Boolean.


Create a Group

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/groups' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method POST `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"Name":"MyGroup1","Notes":"Some notes","ParentId":124}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 125,
    "Name": "MyGroup1",
    "Notes": "Some notes",
    "ParentSiteId" : 124
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Creates a new Group within a Site.

HTTP Request




Request Body Parameters

Property Type Required Description
Name string yes Group Name. (maximum 255 characters)
ParentId integer yes Parent Site ID.
Notes string no Group Notes.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id string Group ID.
Name string Group Name.
ParentSiteId int Parent Site ID.
Notes string Group Notes.

Update a Group

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/groups/125' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method PUT `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"Name":"MyGroup1","Notes":"Updated notes"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 125,
    "Name": "MyGroup1",
    "Notes": "Updated notes",
    "ParentId" : 124
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Update a Group.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id number yes Group ID.

Request Body Parameters

Property Type Required Description
Name string yes Group Name. (maximum 255 characters)
Notes string no Group Notes.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id string Group ID.
Name string Group Name.
ParentSiteId int Parent Site ID.
Notes string Group Notes.

Get All Groups

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/groups?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Id": 101,
      "Name": "MyGroup1",
      "ParentSiteId": 6979,
      "ParentSiteName": "Some Site",
      "ParentOrganizationId": 6978,
      "ParentOrganizationName": "Some Org",
      "Notes": null,
      "HasCustomFields": false,
      "PsaMappingId": null,
      "PsaMappingType": null
      "Id": 102,
      "Name": "MyGroup2",
      "ParentSiteId": 6979,
      "ParentSiteName": "Some Site",
      "ParentOrganizationId": 6978,
      "ParentOrganizationName": "Some Org",
      "Notes": "Some Notes",
      "HasCustomFields": true,
      "PsaMappingId": 123,
      "PsaMappingType": "AutoTask"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "TotalCount": 2

Returns a list of groups.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=PsaMappingType eq 'AutoTask' and contains(Name, 'MyGroup')
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=Name asc

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Id integer yes yes Group ID.
Name string yes yes Group Name.
ParentSiteId integer yes yes Id of the parent Site.
ParentSiteName string yes yes Name of the parent Site.
ParentOrganizationId integer yes yes Id of the parent Organization.
ParentOrganizationName string yes yes Name of the parent Organization.
Notes string yes yes Group Notes.
HasCustomFields boolean no no Shows if Group has any Custom Fields assigned.
PsaMappingId integer yes yes ID of PSA Mapping
PsaMappingType string yes yes Type of PSA Mapping. Possible values: ConnectWise, AutoTask, null

Get a Specific Group

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/groups/123' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 123,
    "Name": "MyGroup2",
    "ParentSiteId": 6979,
    "ParentSiteName": "Some Site",
    "ParentOrganizationId": 6978,
    "ParentOrganizationName": "Some Org",
    "Notes": "Some Notes",
    "HasCustomFields": true,
    "PsaMappingId": 123,
    "PsaMappingType": "AutoTask",
    "Packages": [
        "Type": "windows_agent_x64",
        "Name": "Windows (64 bit)"
        "Type": "windows_agent_x86",
        "Name": "Windows (32 bit)"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the group details.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the group ID.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id integer Group ID.
Name string Group Name.
ParentSiteId integer Id of the parent Site.
ParentSiteName string Name of the parent Site.
ParentOrganizationId integer Id of the parent Organization.
ParentOrganizationName string Name of the parent Organization.
Notes string Group Notes.
HasCustomFields boolean Shows if Group has any Custom Fields assigned.
PsaMappingId integer ID of PSA Mapping.
PsaMappingType string Type of PSA Mapping. Possible values: ConnectWise, AutoTask, null.
Packages array of GroupPackage List of packages available to download.


Property Type Description
Type string Download Package type. Download URL can be requested via api/v3/groups/:id/package/:type call.
Name string Download Package name.

Get Group Custom Fields

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/groups/123/customFields' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [{
    "Id": 569,
    "Name": "CustomField_42",
    "Value": "422",
    "Type": "Text"
  }, {
    "Id": 643,
    "Name": "SomeEmptyValue",
    "Value": null,
    "Type": "Text"
  }, {
    "Id": 850,
    "Name": "Text Custom Field",
    "Value": "None",
    "Type": "Text"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "TotalCount": 3

Return the group custom fields.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the group ID.

Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=Type eq 'Text'
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=Name

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Id integer yes yes Custom Field ID.
Name string yes yes Custom Field Name.
Value string yes yes Custom Fields Value converted to string.
Type string yes yes Type of Custom Field. Possible values: Text, Number, Date, Boolean.

Get a Group Package

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/groups/123/package/windows_agent_x64' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Name": "Windows (64 bit)",
    "Url": "https://server-name/installer?type=windows_agent_x64&secret=00000000000000000000000000000000"
  "Meta": {

Returns the Name and Download URL for Group install package.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the group ID.
packageType string yes Type of install package. Allowed values: windows_agent_x64, windows_agent_x86

Response Data

Property Type Description
Name string Package name.
Url string Package Download URL.

Custom Fields

Get All Custom Fields

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/customFields?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

Returns a list of Custom Fields.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=Contexts/any(p: p eq 'Global') and ExpirationDate eq null
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=Name asc

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Id integer yes yes Custom Field ID.
Name string yes yes Custom Field Name.
Description string yes yes Custom Field Description.
Type string yes yes Custom Field Type. Possible values: Text, Number, Date, Boolean.
DefaultValue string yes yes Default value for assigning Custom Field.
GlobalValue string yes yes Value specified for the Global context.
IsReadOnly boolean yes yes Specifies if Custom Field value cannot be changed.
Context array of string yes no List of context the custom field can be attached to. Possible values: Global, Organization, Site, Group, Device.
ExpirationDate string yes yes Date of Custom Field expiration.
CreatedAt string yes yes Creation date and time.

Get a Specific Custom Field

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/customFields/123' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 850,
    "Name": "Custom Field 1",
    "Description": "Custom Field Description",
    "Type": "Text",
    "DefaultValue": "None",
    "GlobalValue": null,
    "IsReadOnly": false,
    "Contexts": [
    "ExpirationDate": null,
    "CreatedAt": "2023-05-09T15:27:26Z"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the custom field details.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id integer yes The value of the Custom Field ID.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id integer Custom Field ID.
Name string Custom Field Name.
Description string Custom Field Description.
Type string Custom Field Type. Possible values: Text, Number, Date, Boolean.
DefaultValue string Default value for assigning Custom Field.
GlobalValue string Value specified for the Global context.
IsReadOnly boolean Specifies if Custom Field value cannot be changed.
Context array of string List of context the custom field can be attached to. Possible values: Global, Organization, Site, Group, Device.
ExpirationDate string Date of Custom Field expiration.
CreatedAt string Creation date and time.

Get Custom Field Usage

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/customFields/123/usage?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "UsageContextType": "Organization",
      "ContextItemId": "6978",
      "Value": "CustomFieldValue"
      "UsageContextType": "Group",
      "ContextItemId": "123",
      "Value": "CustomFieldValue 2"
      "UsageContextType": "Device",
      "ContextItemId": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
      "Value": "CustomFieldValue 3"
      "UsageContextType": "Script",
      "ContextItemId": "11261"
      "UsageContextType": "Scope",
      "ContextItemId": "332"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "TotalCount": 5

Returns a list of places where the Custom Field is used.

Organizations, Sites, Groups, Devices, Scopes that are inaccessible to the API token are not displayed in the response.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=50
$skip integer no Starting position. Default value: 0 $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=UsageContextType eq 'Scope'
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=UsageContextType asc, ContextItemId asc

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
UsageContextType string yes yes Possible values: Organization, Site, Group, Device, Scope, Script.
ContextItemId string yes yes ID of the related context item where the Custom Field is used.
Value string yes yes Value of the assigned Custom Field. Shown only if applicable.

Assign a Custom Field

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/customFields/123/assign' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method POST `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"ContextType":"Organization","ContextItemId":"6978","UseDefaultValue":false,"Value":"SomeValue"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "ContextType": "Organization",
    "ContextItemId": "6978",
    "Id": 808,
    "Name": "Some Custom Field",
    "Value": "SomeValue",
    "Type": "Text"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Assigns a VSA X Custom Field.

HTTP Request




JSON Body Fields

Name Value Required Description
ContextType string true The target context type. Possible values: Organization, Site, Group, Device.
ContextItemId string true The ID of the related context item.
UseDefaultValue boolean false If true, the default value from the Custom Field settings will be utilized.
Value string false The Custom Field value to be assigned. This field is required if UseDefaultValue is false.

If a Custom Field assignment already exists for the specified ContextType and ContextItemId, a 400 Bad Request error will be returned.

Response Data Fields

Name Value Description
ContextType string The target context type.
ContextItemId string The ID of the related context item.
Id int The ID of the Custom Field.
Name string The name of the Custom Field.
Value string The updated value.
Type string The type of the Custom Field.

Update an Assigned Custom Field

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/customFields/123/updateAssigned' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method PUT `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"ContextType":"Organization","ContextItemId":"6978","UseDefaultValue":false,"Value":"SomeValue"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "ContextType": "Organization",
    "ContextItemId": "6978",
    "Id": 808,
    "Name": "Some Custom Field",
    "Value": "SomeValue",
    "Type": "Text"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Updates the Value of a VSA X Custom Field.

HTTP Request




JSON Body Fields

Name Value Required Description
ContextType string true The target context type. Possible values: Organization, Site, Group, Device.
ContextItemId string true The ID of the related context item.
UseDefaultValue boolean false If true, the default value from the Custom Field settings will be utilized.
Value string false The Custom Field value to be updated. This field is required if UseDefaultValue is false.

The system retrieves an assignment using the CustomFieldId from the URL path and both ContextType and ContextItemId from the JSON body. If no assignment exists, it will return a 400 Bad Request error.

Response Data Fields

Name Value Description
ContextType string The target context type.
ContextItemId string The ID of the related context item.
Id int The ID of the Custom Field.
Name string The name of the Custom Field.
Value string The updated value.
Type string The type of the Custom Field.

Unassign a Custom Field

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/automation/customFields/123/unassign' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method POST `
    -ContentType 'application/json' `
    -Body '{"ContextType":"Organization","ContextItemId":"6978"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": "The Custom Field has been successfully unassigned.",
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Unassigns a VSA X Custom Field.

HTTP Request




JSON Body Fields

Name Value Required Description
ContextType string true Target context type. Possible values: Organization, Site, Group, Device
ContextItemId string true ID of the related context item.


Get All Scopes

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/scopes?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "Id": 201,
      "Name": "scope 1",
      "Description": null,
      "UpdatedAt": "2019-05-16T14:14:39"
      "Id": 210,
      "Name": "scope 2",
      "Description": "My Scope",
      "UpdatedAt": "2023-05-08T06:31:59"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "TotalCount": 2

Returns a list of Scopes.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=contains(Description, 'My Scope')
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=Name asc

Scope Response Properties

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
Id integer yes yes Scope ID.
Name string yes yes Scope Name.
Description string yes yes Description of the Scope.
UpdatedAt string yes yes Date and time of the last update.

Get a Specific Scope

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/scopes/123' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Criteria": [
        "Type": "Custom Field at least one matching",
        "Identifier": "854",
        "CustomFieldOperator": "IsEqualTo",
        "CustomFieldName": "Custom Field 2",
        "CustomFieldValue": "67"
        "Type": "Custom Field at least one matching",
        "Identifier": "851",
        "CustomFieldOperator": "IsEmpty",
        "CustomFieldName": "Date Custom Field"
        "Type": "Description contains",
        "Identifier": "22H2"
        "Type": "Device Type",
        "Identifier": "Windows"
        "Type": "Organization",
        "Identifier": "6965"
        "Type": "Organization",
        "Identifier": "6978"
        "Type": "Site",
        "Identifier": "6962"
        "Type": "Tag all matching",
        "Identifier": "Test"
    "TotalDevices": 1,
    "Id": 123,
    "Name": "Scope Name",
    "Description": "Scope Description",
    "UpdatedAt": "2023-10-20T14:22:18"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the scope details.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The value of the Scope ID.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id integer Scope ID.
Name string Scope Name.
Description string Description of the Scope.
UpdatedAt string Date and time of the last update.
Criteria array of CriteriaItem List of criteria items used for device matching.
TotalDevices integer Shows how many devices match the Scope criteria.


Property Type Description
Type string Matching type. For possible values, see the CriteriaItem Types table below.
Identifier string Value of the Criteria Item rule. Depends on the specific Type: refer to the CriteriaItem Types table below.
CustomFieldOperator string Possible values: IsEmpty, IsEqualTo, IsNotEmpty, IsNotEqualTo. Visible only for Custom Field criteria items.
CustomFieldName string Name of the Custom Field. Visible only for Custom Field criteria items.
CustomFieldValue string Value required for the Custom Field rule to match. Visible only when CustomFieldOperator is IsEqualTo or IsNotEqualTo.

CriteriaItem Types

Type Identifier Description
Description contains Text to match within Description The device description must contain the specified text to satisfy the criteria.
Organization Organization ID The device should belong to any Organization, Site, or Group specified in the criteria to satisfy the criteria.
Site Site ID The device should belong to any Organization, Site, or Group specified in the criteria to satisfy the criteria.
Group Group ID The device should belong to any Organization, Site, or Group specified in the criteria to satisfy the criteria.
Device Type Device Type Types of endpoints to be included in this Scope.
Tag all matching Tag Name All tags from the criteria should be present on the device.
Tag at least one matching Tag Name At least one tag from the criteria should be applied to the device.
Custom Field all matching Custom Field ID All Custom Field rules from the criteria must match.
Custom Field at least one matching Custom Field ID At least one Custom Field rule from the criteria must match.

Get Scope Usage

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/scopes/123/usage?$top=100&$skip=0' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": [
      "UsageContextType": "Workflow",
      "ContextItemId": 32
      "UsageContextType": "Task",
      "ContextItemId": 10017
      "UsageContextType": "Task",
      "ContextItemId": 10018
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "TotalCount": 3

Returns a list of places where the Scope is used.

HTTP Request




Query Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description Example
$top integer no Maximum number of items to return, limited to 100. Default value: 100 $top=100
$skip integer no Starting position. Default value: 0 $skip=100
$filter string no OData filters. Filterable properties: see below. $filter=UsageContextType eq 'Task'
$orderby string no OData sorting. Sortable properties: see below. $orderby=UsageContextType asc, ContextItemId asc

Response Data

Property Type Filterable Sortable Description
UsageContextType string yes yes Possible values: Workflow, Task.
ContextItemId number yes yes ID of the related context item where the Scope is used.

Patch Management

Get Patch Management Policy

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/patchmanagement/policies/199' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 199,
    "Name": "My Patch Management Policy",
    "Description": "Every saturday at 23:30",
    "GeneralSettings": {
      "CreateRestorePoint": true,
      "RebootIfRequire": true,
      "NotifyLoggedInUsers": false,
      "Schedule": {
        "Id": -1,
        "Type": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Text": "Schedule"
        "FrequencyInterval": {
          "Id": 2,
          "Text": "Weekly"
        "FrequencySubinterval": 32,
        "Frequency": 1,
        "StartDate": 1576798260
      "RandomizeUpdateInterval": false,
      "StartPatchingIfScheduledMissed": false,
      "SoftwareSchedule": null,
      "RebootOption": "DO_NOT_REBOOT",
      "RebootSchedule": null,
      "AutomaticUpdate": "AUTO_DOWNLOAD",
      "ActiveHours": null,
      "DeferQualityUpdates": false,
      "QualityUpdatesDeferPeriod": 0,
      "DeferFeatureUpdates": false,
      "FeatureUpdatesDeferPeriod": 0,
      "IncludeDriversUpdate": false,
      "PreventFromExecutingAndConfiguringWindowsUpdates": false,
      "MacOSUpdateSettings": null,
      "NotifyLoggedInUsersBeforeReboot": false,
      "RebootPromptHoursBeforeReboot": 0,
      "RebootImmediatelyIfScheduledMissed": false,
      "NotificationSettings": null
    "OsRules": [
        "Field": "SEVERITY",
        "Operator": "CONTAINS",
        "Severity": "CRITICAL",
        "Action": "APPROVE_AND_INSTALL"
        "Field": "SEVERITY",
        "Operator": "CONTAINS",
        "Severity": "IMPORTANT",
        "Action": "APPROVE_AND_INSTALL"
        "Field": "SEVERITY",
        "Operator": "CONTAINS",
        "Severity": "OPTIONAL",
        "Action": "SKIP_AND_REVIEW"
    "SoftwareRules": [
        "ProductId": "7-zip-x64",
        "ProductName": "7-Zip (64-bit)",
        "Action": "INSTALL_AND_UPDATE"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the details of the patch management policy.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The ID of the Patch Management Policy.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id integer The policy ID.
Name string The name of the policy.
Description string A description of the policy.
GeneralSettings object General settings for the policy.
OsRules array of object A list of rules for operating system updates.
SoftwareRules array of object A list of rules for software product updates.

Get Global Rules

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/patchmanagement/globalrules' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "OsRules": [
        "Field": "CATEGORY",
        "Operator": "CONTAINS",
        "Category": "FEATURE_PACK",
        "Action": "APPROVE_AND_INSTALL"
        "Field": "DESCRIPTION",
        "Operator": "CONTAINS",
        "Contains": "minor",
        "Action": "REJECT_AND_HIDE"
        "Field": "CVSS_SCORE",
        "Operator": "GREATER_THAN",
        "Contains": "7",
        "Action": "APPROVE_AND_INSTALL"
    "SoftwareRules": [
        "ProductId": "7-zip-x64",
        "ProductName": "7-Zip (64-bit)",
        "Action": "INSTALL_AND_UPDATE"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the global rules for patch management. The global rules get automatically applied ahead of all policy rules and are evaluated in a top-down order.

HTTP Request




Response Data

Property Type Description
OsRules array of object A list of global rules for operating system updates.
SoftwareRules array of object A list of global rules for updates to software products.

Endpoint Protection

Get Endpoint Protection Policy

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/endpointprotection/policies/315' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "Id": 315,
    "Name": "My Ransomware Detection Policy",
    "Type": "Ransomware Detection",
    "Description": "Test",
    "Settings": {
        "DetectionNotificationPriority": "CRITICAL",
        "WatchAllDrives": true,
        "WatchPaths": [],
        "ExcludedFolders": [],
        "ExcludedFileExtensions": [],
        "KillDetectedProcs": true,
        "IsolateNetwork": true,
        "Shutdown": false
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns the details of the endpoint protection policy.

HTTP Request




Route Parameters

Parameter Value Required Description
id string yes The ID of the endpoint protection policy.

Response Data

Property Type Description
Id integer The Policy ID.
Name string The name of the policy.
Type string The type of endpoint protection policy. Possible values include: Ransomware Detection, Webroot, etc.
Description string A description of the policy.
Settings object The settings for the policy, depending on its type.


Get Environment Information

$tokenId = 'TOKEN_ID'
$tokenSecret = 'TOKEN_SECRET'
$base64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tokenId):$($tokenSecret)"))

$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Accept", "*/*")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $($base64Encoded)")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://<server_name>/api/v3/environment' `
    -Headers $headers `
    -Method GET 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "Data": {
    "ProductVersion": "1.1.0 build 123 release 1001, US",
    "CustomerId": "",
    "CustomerName": "Some Customer / Some Company.",
    "ServerType": "SaaS",
    "Language": "en",
    "License": {
      "ExpirationDate": "2024-12-01T00:00:00",
      "UserAccounts": {
        "TotalInUse": 156,
        "Limit": 1000
      "Devices": {
        "TotalInUse": 1477,
        "Limit": 10000
      "RemoteDesktops": {
        "Limit": 3
      "Webroot": {
        "Devices": {
          "TotalInUse": 0,
          "Limit": 10000
        "ExpirationDate": "2024-12-01T00:00:00"
      "PatchManagement": {
        "Devices": {
          "TotalInUse": 0,
          "Limit": 5000
        "ExpirationDate": "2098-01-01T00:00:00"
      "ClientPortal": {
        "Users": {
          "TotalInUse": 8
      "Bitdefender": {
        "Devices": {
          "TotalInUse": 10,
          "Limit": 10
        "ExpirationDate": "2023-02-24T00:00:00"
      "RansomwareProtection": {
        "Devices": {
          "TotalInUse": 0,
          "Limit": 100
        "ExpirationDate": "2024-11-24T00:00:00"
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 200

Returns environment information for the instance.

HTTP Request




Response Data

Property Type Description
ProductVersion string Version of the product, including the server region.
CustomerId string Unique identifier for the customer instance.
CustomerName string Name and company associated with the customer.
ServerType string Type of the server hosting: either SaaS or On-Prem.
Language string Default language of the server in two-letter abbreviated format (e.g., en).
License object Information regarding license expiration dates and allocations.


Example of an unsuccessful response:

  "Data": null,
  "Meta": {
    "ResponseCode": 404,
    "ErrorMessage": "Entity is not found."

VSA X REST API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of an API request.

In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate a validation error that resulted from provided information (e.g. a required parameter was missing, invalid characters used, etc.), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with VSA X's servers.

Error Code Meaning
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Request Failed
404 Not Found
500 Internal Error
502 Internal Error
503 Internal Error
504 Internal Errors